Breast Pathology

Biopsies involve removing a small amount of tissue and looking at it under the microscope. This procedure provides information we need to make a breast cancer diagnosis. There are several types of biopsies. The experts who look examine the tissue are pathologists.

At the Center of Excellence for Breast Cancer at the Mount Sinai Health System, our expert pathologists specialize in breast tissue. They have much experience diagnosing cancer and other diseases of the breast. The information we provide helps your doctors determine the best course of treatment for you. 

We are the second largest pathology department in the nation. In fact, we conduct more than eight million tests a year. This allows us to lead the way toward early discovery of cancer through cellular testing based on your unique blood and tissue samples. We see about 9,000 patients a year. People come to us for expert pathology opinions from all over. In addition to analyzing our patients’ tissue, we provide nearly 700 second opinions each year.

Mount Sinai is also helping pathology become more proactive. We want to find cancer before it finds you. We are developing protocols and procedures to predict and prevent cancer and other diseases of the breast.

In addition, we conduct research and develop new ways to treat breast cancer. This allows us to provide you with the best in personalized care.

Meet Our Team

  • Malini Harigopal, MD