
A variety of U.S. government web sites answer questions about clinical trials and provide contacts to specific research projects. These clinical trials are available at .

Clinical Trials

  • The  maintains a research hospital, the NIH Clinical Center, in Bethesda, Maryland. There, scientists translate laboratory discoveries into new and better medical treatments and therapies. The NIH website guides potential participants, their families, and physicians about participating in clinical trials in Bethesda, Maryland.
  •  brings together people interested in clinical trials and researchers looking for volunteers. 

MEDLINEplus Information

  •  is an information service from the National Library of Medicine. It offers useful information about clinical trials.
  • The outlines more than 9,000 prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Cancer Clinical Trials

  • The  is the U.S. government's focal point for clinical trials on cancer. Most government agencies that conduct cancer research, such as the Department of Defense or the Veterans Administration, do so in partnership with NCI.
  • NCI provides information on , resources for researchers, and more.
  • The provides information on their clinical trials.

Vision Clinical Trials

  • The  has information about clinical studies, vision research, and free education resources.

Mental Health Clinical Trials

  • The  answers questions for potential participants in mental health research. 

Information on Bioethics

  • The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers a comprehensive bibliography from 1989 through November 1998, , compiled by the National Library of Medicine.

Information on Medicare Coverage

  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides information on the September 19, 2000 final . The document outlines routine costs, and reasonable and necessary items in clinical trials. 

Information on Drugs

  • The  is the U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of all drugs. After a clinical trial, the agency looks at the evidence to see if a new drug or treatment is safe to approve. It also determines whether it is an improvement over the standard therapy. FDA web sites provide information on how it regulates and approves drugs. It offers an Index to Drug-Specific Information.
  • The  gives current approved drug products.