Our team at The º£½ÇµÇ¼Èë¿Ú recently partnered with Shrewsbury Food Hub, contributing to their impactful work in the community. As part of our commitment to “Working today to protect tomorrow” – a Trust strategic priority, members of our Shared Services Team spent a day preparing tasty meals from surplus food. This initiative not only reduces food waste but also provides support to local charities, schools and community groups.

MMAT CSR Shrewsbury Food Hub | º£½ÇµÇ¼Èë¿Ú

We thank Shrewsbury Food Hub for the opportunity to assist and help make a difference.

MMAT CSR Shrewsbury Food Hub | º£½ÇµÇ¼Èë¿Ú

MMAT CSR Shrewsbury Food Hub | º£½ÇµÇ¼Èë¿Ú

Discover more about Shrewsbury Food Hub’s fantastic work via their website and find out about their ‘Foodshare’ programme:Â